Farm With KNARDA for a Richer Future
+234 703 1681 478


The project began full operation in January 1982, to be implemented over a period of five years (1982-1986). The objectives of the project at inception were to:

  1. Increase the income of about 430,000 farm families cultivating 900,000 ha of Upland areas and 40,000 ha of Fadama land.
  2. Enhance the living standard of rural dwellers by constructing 1,440 km of feeder roads, drilling 1000 boreholes and rehabilitating 1000 open wells.

3. Strengthen state institution through the recruitment of qualified staff to assist in project execution, the improvement of Kano State’s training capability and the provision of a management structure supported by adequate technical and administrative staff.

Supporting Family Farmers

Supporting Family Farmers

Our 1-800-FARM-AID hotline and Farmer Resource Network provides immediate and effective support services to farm families in crisis. We help farmers find the resources they need to access new markets, transition to morer.

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The building movement

The building movement

Each year, proceeds from Farm Aid’s annual concert and our generous community of donors are granted to nonprofit organizations working to strengthen family farm agriculture in the United States.

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Promoting farm foods

Promoting farm foods

The first domesticated animals were dogs, which were used for hunting. Sheep and goats were probably domesticated next. People also domesticated cattle and pigs. Most of these animals had once been hunted for hides and meat.

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Celebrating family farmers

Celebrating family farmers

Now many of them are also sources of milk, cheese, and butter. Eventually, people used domesticated animals such as oxen for plowing, pulling, and transportation.

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